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A list compiled by Jennifer S. Bryson*

The works of Ida Friederike Görres

* For bibliographical details, see: Jennifer S. Bryson. “Ida Friederike Görres in Translation 1932–2022: A Bibliography in Fourteen Languages.” In Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz and Sigmund Bonk, eds. „Glut und Schmerz des Glaubens“. Ein neuer Blick auf Ida Friederike Görres (1901-1971). Regensburg, Germany: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2023.


Syn země (1998)

Velká hra Mary Wardové (2003)


Over de heiligheid: gesprek over de heilige Elisabeth van Thüringen (1936)

Mary Ward: een heldensage (1936)
De twee torens: drie brieven over klooster en wereld (1942)

Het verborgen gelaat: sehets tot een levensbeeld van Thérése van Lisieux (1950)

De zevenvoudige vlucht van Radegondis (1944)

De zichtbare Kerk: godsgeschenk en ergernis (1951)

De last Gods (1951)

De last der anderen (1952)
Beeldenaren Gods (1956)

Lekegedachten over het celibaat (1962)

Lekepreek voor kloosterlingen en ook voor andere katholieken! (1972)

Jezus 2000 jaar geloofs- en cultuurgeschiedenis (2000), part of an essay on Christ*


For translations into English, including the texts of some of her essays and to book reviews, click:


Dialogue sur la sainteté (1936)

Le Fardeau de Dieu (1938)

"Préface," in Les Saints de tous les jours de mai (1958) 

Sur le célibat des prêtres (1963); an excerpt of this was published as: “Réflexions d’une laïque sur le célibat des prêtres,” Vie Spirituelle 63, Supplément, 15 (October 1962), 542-572.


Beszélgetés az életszentségről: Párbeszéd Szent Erzsébetről (1936)

Egy hősi élet hősi legendája : Ward Mária (1938)

Jézus: 2000 éves hit- és kultúrtörténet (2000), part of an essay on Christ*

Házasság és magány gondolatok négy levélben (2014)


Wajah tersembunyi : kehidupan Teresia Lisieux (1984)


Il peso degli altri (1953)


結婚と孤独 / Kekkon to Kodoku (1965) [On Marriage and on Being Single]
新しき時代に / Atarashiki Jidai Ni

隠された顔 / Kakusareta Kao [The Hidden Face]


Par laulību un vientulību: apcerējumi vēstulēs (1959)


Jezus - 2000 lat obecności, works by multiple authors, part of an essay on Christ*


A face oculta de Santa Teresa de Lisieux (1961), Lisbon

Do celibato eclesiástico: considerações de uma leiga (1965), Rio de Janeiro


Иисус. Две тысячи лет религии и культуры (2001), part of an essay on Christ*


 Laiki o celibatu (1965)

Jezus 2000 let zgodovine vere in kulture (2002), part of an essay on Christ*


María Ward: una leyenda heróica, tr. Rosemarie Ortloff. Santiago, Chile, (1945)

Hijo de la tierra (1974)


Dr. Jennifer Bryson recently discovered several translations of works by Ida Görres into Swedish, thus adding one more language to this list. Stay tuned. Details will be forthcoming soon via the Substack "Exploring Ida Görres"; subscribe for updates.

Request for assistance:

Do you know of translations of the works of Ida Friederike Görres (into languages other than English) that are not listed on this page? Please contact Dr. Jennifer Bryson to share any tips. Your assistance in building this bibliography will be greatly appreciated.

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For more information:

Part of this bibliography was compiled using For additional information about these translations of the works of Ida Friederike Görres, such as publishers, translators, and some of the libraries where these works are held. Please note that the listings at are not comprehensive.


For a partial bibliography of works in German, click here:

For a nearly comprehensive bibliography of the works of Ida Görres in German, see:

Michael Kleinert. Es wächst viel Brot in der Winternacht: Theologische Grundlinien im Werk von Ida Friederike Görres. Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2002: 389–411.

To receive a PDF of Michael Kleinert's bibliography, please contact the webmaster.

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Regarding the titles marked, "part of an essay on Christ*":

The following book contains excerpts from the essay "Zu unserem Christusbild: ein Brief" (Im Winter wächst das Brot, 1970, 9–30): Jesus, 2000 Jahre Glaubens- und Kulturgeschichte. Edited by Serguey Averintsev und David Flusser. Herder, 1999, first edition; Jesus: Mensch und Geheimnis in Glauben und Kunst, Herder, 2004, second edition.) This book was translated into Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and Slovenian.

An English translation of the entire essay "Zu unserem Christusbild: ein Brief" will appear in the forthcoming English translation of the book, Im Winter wächst das Brot (working title for the English edition is Bread Grows in Winter).

For updates about the release of new translations, upcoming events, the life of Ida Friederike Görres, and more:

"Exploring Ida Görres" Substack.
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